The BONAE ARTES IMPACT UMBRELLA focuses exclusively on impact-driven social projects across various socially relevant sectors.


The BONAE ARTES IMPACT UMBRELLA is exclusively focused on social initiatives across various socially relevant sectors, with an impact-oriented approach. It forms partnerships for the benefit of a balanced and well-functioning coexistence, based on nature, health, education, and sensitive consideration of demographic change.

The BONAE ARTES IMPACT UMBRELLA includes a transparent collaboration between public sector & economy, which fills gaps in social infrastructure for the benefit of civil society.

The BONAE ARTES IMPACT UMBRELLA focuses on valuable land related to health, science, and infrastructure, as well as on direct support from companies dedicated to addressing demographic change. For the first time, this symbiosis is being made investable for an institutional investor audience that can rely on asset management expertise spanning more than forty years.

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The BONAE ARTES IMPACT UMBRELLA invests on the one hand in an Infrastructure Impact Strategy and on the other hand in a Social Private Equity Strategy, which finds investments in demography-sensitive companies. This strategic impact works in two ways and combines uniquely.

Infrastructure Impact Strategy
Socially oriented infrastructures (real estate, energy- and power plants) are initiated in an early approval phase (Early Stage) or completed assets are subjected to an established ESG (Environmental Social Governance) program (Later Stage). Both phases offer a very attractive risk-return profile with measurable sustainability indicators.

Social Private Equity Strategy
These target investments focus on the declining birth rates in established industrial nations that have been occurring for decades, combined with increasing life expectancy. Similarly, they address the rising need for care and medical treatment. The focus is on early-stage investments in solid business models and strong teams.

The symbiosis of Infrastructure Impact & Social Private Equity

The Infrastructure Impact Strategy in BONAE ARTES IMPACT UMBRELLA represents regular calculable capital turnover, secured with real assets to preserve capital.

The Social Private Equity Strategy serves as the outperforming complementary revenue component within the framework of the BONAE ARTES IMPACT UMBRELLA.

The Infrastructure Impact Strategy has access to an investment pipeline developed over 20 years of project development and can rely on an experienced management team.

The origin stemmed from Private Public Partnerships ("PPP") in the education, health, and infrastructure sectors in Germany and Austria. This consistent continuation reflects the shift in mindset towards focusing on the necessary advancement of the European eco-social infrastructure.

The Social Private Equity Strategy has access to a unique asset management team that, over the past twenty years, has achieved a verified return of 23.40% per annum (IRR according to HGB) through a conservative and long-term investment approach. With this team, the Social Private Equity Strategy is among the first to specifically invest in entrepreneurial opportunities arising from demographic change.

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The Infrastructure Impact Strategy focuses on Life Science, Impact Infrastructure and System Infrastructure.

01 Life Science

The management of BONAE ARTES IMPACT UMBRELLA consists of life science pioneers who have been investing in real estate clusters for the benefit of science and research for a decade.


Participation in research campuses sets Private Public Partnerships (PPP) in a resilient and future-oriented direction.

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Recent history has shown how beneficial the combination of humanitarian and veterinary medicine can be as a collaborative component.

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02 Impact Infrastructure

Social institutions are crucial for the development of individuals and indispensable for social cohesion.

Social Infrastructure

Residential buildings have accompanied and supported people from their inception, through their creation, and up to their maintenance and rest.

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Public Private Partnerships

The dual effect of public institutions and the economy fills gaps for the benefit of civil society.

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03 System Infrastructure

Infrastructure is the lifeline of a society, relying on both physical and digital networks as well as energy availability.


The drive for energy transformation impacts our generation and promotes regenerative solutions.

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Digital and physical transportation form the foundation of a consuming civil society.

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The Social Private Equity Strategy focuses exclusively on the impact of social change.

04 Social Private Equity

For the first time, equity capital is exclusively dedicated to social change as a central societal task.

Demographic Change

The unstoppable demographic change opens up entrepreneurial opportunities that build the foundations for an aging society.

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05 Management

“BONAE ARTES etymologically stands for ethics and for creating beauty. As long as this life goal remains in the foreground, astonishing technologies and innovative entrepreneurial spirit of a new generation will be precisely targeted by capital.”

CEO Oliver Soini

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